• Here you should consider setting up an include file. You may want to combine steps 12 and 13 so they can be easily updated.
  • Do a Find for "Step 12" (there are comments above the areas you need to edit) change out the example text and placeholders for your Agency contact information.
  • All Agencies should display the following links IN ORDER: CONTACT US | PRIVACY | ACCESSIBILITY. If you have more footer links to include, please do so AFTER these three.
  • We recommend linking to a contact us page in your site; if you don't have a contact us page, please link to the statewide phone directory page for your agency - search by agency on this page http://www.doit.state.md.us/phonebook/orglisting.asp to locate your agency page, i.e. http://www.doit.state.md.us/phonebook/level2offices.asp?AID=DoIT
  • If you don't have specific content for your office for the PRIVACY or ACCESSIBILITY, please review the information on Maryland.gov to ensure the language applies to your agency before you link to the Maryland.gov pages.