Mobile Devices and Services (MDS) Master Contract: Preferred Plans (Expired)

(Always check with the individual provider to verify rates.)

  1. Cell Phone Rate Plans
  2. Push-to-Talk (PTT) Plans
  3. Data Rate Plans
  4. FirstNet

Cellular Phone Rate Plans

Contractors Light User Medium User Heavy User Power User
AT&T Mobility (0 Minutes) plus Smartphone Unlimited Data/Messaging Bundle $33.85
(300 Minutes) plus Smartphone Unlimited Data/Messaging Bundle $46.85
(400 Minutes) plus Smartphone Unlimited Data/Messaing Bundle $50.63 (600 Minutes) plus Smartphone Unlimited Data/Messaging Bundle $57.83 (1000 minutes) plus Smartphone Unlimited Data/Messaging Bundle $70.13
Sprint $30.00 UNLIMITED PLAN
(Features: Anytime minutes, Unlimited Direct Connect and Group Connect, Caller ID & Voicemail, Voice Roaming, Unlimited Internet Browsing and Email, Data Roaming, Domestic Messaging, and Premium Data).
Verizon (less than 195 total minutes) Pay as you go Local Maryland plan, no minutes included. $8.99 Monthly Access + $0.10 per min. for local calls. (195 to 450 minutes) Nationwide 400 shared voice minutes. $29.61 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min. (450 to 650 minutes) Nationwide 600 shared voice minutes. $42.44 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min. (645-1050 minutes) Nationwide 1000 shared voices minutes. $54.29 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min.
T-Mobile Contact Account Representative

Notes for all rate plans:

  1. All are nationwide with no roaming charges except Verizon's $8.99 plan. Roaming charges apply on Verizon's $8.99 plan.
  2. Free mobile-to-mobile (MM) applies except Verizon's $8.99 rate plan (see note #5 below) and T-Mobile’s $25.49 rate plan (see note #6 below).
  3. All except Verizon's $8.99 rate plan include free nights and weekends.
  4. Night start/end times vary by contractor.
  5. Verizon's $8.99 rate plan (pay as you go) has no included minutes and is $.10 per minute, regardless of termination point or time of day/week, i.e. no free MM, no free evenings and no free weekends.
  6. T-Mobile’s $25.49 plan includes only 300MM minutes. If you exceed the 300MM minutes, your 300 “anytime” minutes will be charged. When you go over your 300 “anytime” minutes, you will be charged $.35 per minute.
  7. Verizon provides pooling plans at the accounting billing level. Verizon charges $2.00 per line extra to pool plan minutes.
  8. For Chargeable calls (out-of-network, non-weekends and day-time), usage charges are based on either outbound or inbound minutes.

Push-to-Talk (PTT) Plans

Contractors Light User Medium User Heavy User Power User
AT&T Mobility Unlimited PTT is $9.99 Unlimited PTT is $9.99 Unlimited PTT is $9.99 Unlimited PTT is $9.99
Sprint Free PTT with phone plan Free PTT with phone plan Free PTT with phone plan Free PTT with phone plan
Verizon (less than 195 total minutes) Nationwide 0 Minute shared voice minutes w/unlimited 4G LTE data, text, video and email. $35.99 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min. (195 to 450 minutes) Nationwide 400 Shared voice minutes w/unlimited 4G LTE data, text, video and email. $49.35 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min.
(450 to 650 minutes)> Nationwide 600 Shared voice minutes w/unlimited 4G LTE data, text, video and email. $62.19 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min.
(645 to 1050 minutes) Nationwide 1000 Shared voice minutes w/unlimited 4G LTE data, text, video and email. $74.03 Monthly Access + $0.25 per additional min.
T-Mobile T-Mobile doesn't offer push-to-talk T-Mobile doesn't offer push-to-talk T-Mobile doesn't offer push-to-talk T-Mobile doesn't offer push-to-talk

Data Rate Plans

Contractors Data Plan Descriptions
AT&T Mobility $33.99 - DataConnect UNLIMITED tablet/aircard plan
$22.50 - DataConnect 2GB Pooled tablet plan
Sprint $44.99 Unlimited Talk, Text and Data on Smartphones
$30.00 Unlimited Talk Text and Data on Selected Smartphones Series 65 (see attached)
$19.99 Unlimited Talk and Text on Basic Phones.
$37.99 Unlimited Data on tablets, embedded computers, Hot spots and modems. (there are plans with pooling data)
Verizon $35.99 - Smartphone Unlimited Data Only Stand Alone Plan
$30.00 - 2GB Data Plan available for Netbooks and Tablets Only
$39.99 - Unlimited 4G/LTE & 3G Broadband Data - Available on any Mobile Broadband Device including USB, Embedded Laptop, MIFI, and Tablets
T-Mobile $24.36 per month/line
T-Mobile One for Government – Plan includes unlimited Talk, Text, and Data