Step 2: eGov Work Order Request (WOR) Submission

Step 2 of the process for preparing, soliciting and awarding Work Orders for the statewide Self-Funded eGovernment (eGov) contract is outlined below.

Any questions or concerns about this work order process should be directed to the Director of the DoIT IT Procurement Office at​.

2-A. Requesting Agency/eGov Contractor WOR Discussion

  1. NIC will facilitate a discussion through the POC to review the basic information provided in the WOR and discuss project viability, options, alternatives and possible fees, if any apply.  WOR Service Type and WOR Funding Type are determined in this step of the process.
  2. From this discussion, the Requesting Agency will be in a position to update the WOR to create the final version from which NIC will develop a proposal.
  3. If requesting a Time and Materials WOR, the Work Order Proposal will be subject to a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) goal of 30%.  The Requesting Agency will be responsible for obtaining the required MBE reporting forms from the prime contractor and MBE subcontractor.

2-B. Final WOR Development and Submission

  1. The Agency WO Procurement Officer will prepare a Reference Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) release against the eGov BPO (060B7400004) via ADPICS to obtain a WOR number.
  2. The Agency WO Procurement Officer submits the final WOR and MBE determination (when applicable) to
  3. DoIT will submit the WOR to NIC.
  4. NIC will create a fact sheet and prioritization matrix score sheet and submit the WOR to DoIT for review.
  5. If DoIT approves the WOR, NIC will develop a proposal.  (Go to Step 3.)
    • If DoIT does not approve the WOR, NIC will advise the Requesting Agency/Procurement Officer to revise the WOR as instructed by DoIT or cancel the WOR.