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 Statewide Interoperability Radio Control Board

md first logoChairwo​man: Katie Savage

Director: Norman J. Farley

In June 2014, the Statewide Interoperability Radio Control Board was established in the Department of Information​ Technology by the Annotated Code of Maryland, Public Safety Article, § 1-501-1-503.  The Board is the governance body that coordinat​es the operation and maintenance of the Statewide Public Safety Interoperability Radio System, also known as Maryland FIRST. The System is a P25 Phase II 700 MHz land mobile radio system that connects Maryland's first responders on one secure radio system.  Under the law, the Board’s responsibilities include:​

  1. Establish SOPs, Quality of Service Standards, and maintenance guidelines for the System.
  2. Establish Working Groups of the System’s users,
  3. Approve the add​ition of new system users and the removal of existing users.
  4. Coordinate participatory, collaborative or reciprocal relationships with local governments, including establishing procedures for:
    1. Requests to become part of the System by local governmental entities;
    2. Collaborate or sharing in the purchase, operation, or use of equipment or the system infrastructure currently used by local governments entities; and
    3. ​Review and approval of any request or arrangements sought under this item.
  5. Resolve any conflicts among system users relating to the operations, maintenance, or improvement of the System that cannot be resolved under the SOPs.
  6. Review the annual cost estimation provided by the Director of the Board.
  7. Recommend to the Governor and the General Assembly funding and resource levels for the System O & M.
  8. Advise the Governor and the General Assembly on resources needed for the appropriate operation and expansion to meet service needs for public safety communications statewide.
  9. Negotiate agreements with Federal agencies, surrounding states, or DC for the use of the System.

The Board conducts open meetings quarterly.  The daily operation of the Board and its responsibilities is conducted by the Director of the Board.

The Board consists of 11 members.  Five members, who represent local government entities that are either users of or contributors to the System, are appointed by the Governor. The remaining 6 members are the Secretaries of Information Technology, State Police and Transportation (or their designee), the Directors of the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems and Governor’s Office of Homeland Security (or their designee), and the State Interoperability Director.

The current appointed members are: Craig A. Moe; Clay B. Stamp; Tony W.
Rose; Charles R. Summers and Scot Haas.​

Next Meeti​​​​ng Dates​​​

Radio Control Board
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wednesday, June 18, 2025​
  • 1:00 PM ​to 3:00 PM  
    1st Floor Conference Room, Side B​
    100 Community Place
    Crownsville, MD 2103
  • Wednesday, September 17, 2025​
  • 1:00 PM ​to 3:00 PM  
    1st Floo​r Conference Room, Side B
    100 Community Place
    Crownsville, MD 21032

RCB System Managers Committee
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​Thursday, June 5, 2025​
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM  
    1st Floor Conference Room, Side B
    100 Community Place
    Crownsville, MD 21032​​

  • ​​Thursday, September 4​, 2025
  • 10:00 AM ​to 12:00 PM  
    1st Floor Conference Room, Side B​
    100 Community Place
    Crownsville, MD 21032​

RCB System Users​​​ Committee
  • ​​Thursday, June 5, 2025
  • 12:00 P​M ​to 1​:00 PM  ​
    1st Floor Conference Room, Side B​​
    100 Community Place

    Crownsville, MD 21032​​​

  • ​​ ​​Thursday, September 4​, 2025​
  • 12:00 P​M ​to 1​:00 PM  ​
    1st Floor Conference Room, Side B​​
    100 Community Place

    Crownsville, MD 21032​​​

SOG/SOP Documents​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Selection Portable Radio Antenna Standard Operating Guidelines SOG 0.01A .pdfSelection Portable Radio Antenna Standard Operating Guidelines SOG 0.01A
MD First System Key Control Policy SOP 0.01B.pdfMD First System Key Control Policy SOP 0.01B
MD First Lost or Compromised Radio SOG 0.02.pdfMD First Lost or Compromised Radio SOG 0.02
MD Call MD TAC SOP 0.02B.pdfMD Call MD TAC SOP 0.02B
MD Marine Call - MD Marine TAC SOP 0.04A.pdfMD Marine Call - MD Marine TAC SOP 0.04A
New User Process to Join Maryland FiRST SOP 0.05.pdfNew User Process to Join Maryland FiRST SOP 0.05
Use of Maryland Direct Frequencies SOP 0.06.pdfUse of Maryland Direct Frequencies SOP 0.06
Use of Nationwide Low Power Frequencies SOP 0.07.pdfUse of Nationwide Low Power Frequencies SOP 0.07
Talkgroup Sharing Agreement SOP 0.08.pdfTalkgroup Sharing Agreement SOP 0.08
MD Call MD Law SOP 0.09.pdfMD Call MD Law SOP 0.09
MD Call MD Event SOP 0.10.pdfMD Call MD Event SOP 0.10
Governance of Radio Control Board Working Groups SOP 0.11.pdfGovernance of Radio Control Board Working Groups SOP 0.11
Use of Third-Party Communications Interconnection Technologies with Maryland FiRST SOP 0.12.pdfUse of Third-Party Communications Interconnection Technologies with Maryland FiRST SOP 0.12
Subscriber Decommissioning SOP 0.13.pdfSubscriber Decommissioning SOP 0.13
Addendum A - Checklist for Subscriber Decommissioning SOP 0.13.pdfAddendum A - Checklist for Subscriber Decommissioning SOP 0.13
(More Documents...)
Police is using radio
May 2023 MD FiRST passed three million push-to-talks (PTTs) per month since the inception of this first responders interoperable network in 2013.​