Infrastructure Services

DoIT provides a number of IT infrastructure-related services to Executive Branch State agencies.

Public Cloud Hosting Services




DoIT offers Maryland State agencies a secure, hybrid cloud Public Cloud Hosting Services.

Features and Benefits

Lower infrastructure costs: One benefit of moving to the Public Cloud Hosting Services is the lowering of infrastructure costs for hosting new business applications. No longer do organizations have the responsibility of ensuring uptime, purchasing and maintaining hardware, or replacing old equipment. Public Cloud Hosting also saves organizations from having to buy more capacity to deal with sudden business spikes. Public Cloud Hosting application deployments can help agencies reduce their total cost of ownership through lower cost hosted solutions for their test, development, and production application environments.

Pay-as-you-go model: Because Public Cloud Hosting use is metered, organizations pay for only the capacity needed at any given time. This method also allows them to avoid large upfront monthly or annual fees for benefits they may not use. Scalability and flexibility: One of the greatest benefits of Public Cloud Hosting is the ability to scale up and down quickly in response to an enterprise’s requirements. Public Cloud Hosting provides powerful storage, servers and networking technology to accommodate the needs of our customers. This on-demand scalability provides added flexibility and greater agility to respond to changing opportunities and requirements. This is especially helpful in building and dismantling test and development environments, which greatly benefit from this increased speed and agility.

Faster time to market: Quick time to market is one of the best features of the platform. Because Public Cloud Hosting provides elasticity and scalability, organizations can ramp up and get the job done (and the product or service to market) more rapidly.

Dept. Owner:

Ramesh Manian​
Cloud Services

Service Owner:

Todd Fox
Cloud Services Public Cloud Hosting Manager

Support Contact: DoIT Service Desk


Status: Currently offered


Eligible Customers

Enterprise Agencies Yes
Individual State Agencies Yes*
Counties No
Local Municipalities No
Public No

* Server management services are only available to Enterprise customers and/or customers that take advantage of the Hosting Services Block. Refer to Server Management Services for up to date pricing. (The Hosting Services Block (HSB) is a secured operating environment that is isolated from an internal network. The hosting block is designed to host public facing applications)
**Custom Public Cloud build-outs are available.


Service Prerequisites


Before service can be provisioned the client must meet the following requirements:

DoIT Provided Services:
  • Technical guidance can be provided with the development of a work order. Calculation forecasting can be provided to help customers understand long term support and utilization costs of the paas environment.
  • Specific network routing is required to utilize the Public Cloud. A executed work order may be required depending on the complexity and nature of the application to be developed.
  • Standalone (non-Enterprise) customers restrictions apply, inquire directly to Cloud Services, Service Owner for details.
Non-Technical: TBD


Custom Public Cloud build-outs are available.

Scope of Service


This section outlines the area of responsibility between the provider (DoIT) and the customer.

In Scope:

  • Public facing applications

Out of Scope:

  • MSSQL, Oracle Database and other DBA support specific to platform-as-a-Service environment as it relates to administration and configuration is outside the scope of Cloud Services Support.

Customer Responsibilities:

  • The customer is responsible for everything above or installed on the Server Operating System. Some examples include but not limited to: Agency specific application in support of mission, applications required for agency operations, COTS software, COTS software required for use by or in conjunction with an application, services that are part of said services, and web / database components that are used in association with a hosted application.

Service Level Agreements

Category Enterprise Customer Standalone Customer
Availability: 99.9 % Uptime 99.9 % Uptime
Capacity: Based on utilization Based on utilization
Service Hours: 8:00AM - 5:00PM 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Maintenance Schedules: Windows updates and patches applied to servers the third week of every month Tuesday - Thursday from 7:00PM - 12:00AM. N/A
Upgrades and Refreshes: N/A N/A

Third-Party Compute _ Storage Options (AWS) - Service Agreement FY21

Third-Party Compute Options (AWS) - Service Agreement FY21