Branding Review Process


  1. Check for display of favicon and domain name [Branding Standards step 1]
  2. MDlogo is linked to, img alt text is: [Branding Standards step 2]
  3. Agency Title using correct font/size for agency name [Branding Standards step 3], linked to agency home page and img alt tag is agency name.  Recommend using an agency specific banner graphic background image; contact to request assistance.
  4. Statewide navbar is coming from [Branding Standards step 4]
  5. Agency logo linked to agency home page and img alt tag is agency name.  Use agency_logo_blank.png if agency does not have a logo.  [Branding Standards step 5]
  6. Applicable Social Media icons for your agency are displayed and linked to appropriate sites.  [Branding Standards step 6]
  7. Optional: If your agency doesn't have a social media presence, you may alternately display "Social Media Directory" link.
  8. Search code for Google Site Search is being used; Search is going to your agency collection [Branding Standards step 7]
  9. Alert Box will appear to the right of the Search bar (or below in the tablet and mobile views) when DBM issues an alert [Branding Standards step 8]
  10. Top level navigation links in the tab bar represent the primary channels of the site; these items will collapse into a dropdown menu at the top left of the tablet and mobile displays [Branding Standards step 9]
  11. Secondary/Quick Nav links represent a secondary menu of site topics. [Branding Standards step 14]
  12. Montage contains 1-5 feature images with title and/or subtitles and a link to more information [Branding Standards step 15]
  13. Relevant News/Announcements are featured [Branding Standards step 10]
  14. Governor’s image is only on the homepage [Branding Standards step 11]; image should pull from
  15. Governor’s image links to:
  16. Governor's image alt text should be: Governor's Office
  17. Footer: text is left aligned, proper links included, pipes between links [Branding Standards steps 12 and 13]
  18. Site displays properly in IE10, IE9, IE8, IE7, Firefox, and Chrome.
  19. Site displays properly on the following screen resolutions: desktop 1440 x 1080, tablet landscape: 768 x 1024, mobile 320 x 480
  20. Once you have reviewed this checklist, place an example page on a staging site, then please send a link to for review.