IAS ADPICS Procedures

  • The following outlines the procedures for Independent Assessment Services available through the Independent Assessment Services (IAS) Master Contract. All Executive Branch agencies are required to create releases in State ADPICS against blanket purchase order (BPO) #060B4400002. The procedures are effective March 20, 2014.
  • Agencies should create a reference BPO purchase release as the TORFP number.
  • A reference BPO allows for Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) subcontracting payment collection. Agencies should record MBE subcontractor payments (D-6 Form) in the PCHL2345 screen. Agencies can perform MBE reporting in FMIS and the ANSWERS online report system.
  • For detailed guidance on creating a reference BPO view the CATS Plus Reference Blanket Purchase Order User Guide.
Purchase Order Screen 

PART A: Task Order Request for Proposal (TORFP) Solicitation

  • ADPICS BPO security will be required for anyone who is planning on creating those document types in ADPICS. See your agency FMIS coordinator to verify you have security or to fill out new forms. Also make sure the Subcontractor Entry Screen 2345 and the Subcontractor Invoice Information screen 2355 are also included in your request. Agencies are responsible for MBE reporting based on the IAS Master Contract procedures.
  • Validate or setup your agency ADPICS Initiating Department Approval Paths. (Note: This is an agency’s internal approval path and should not include DoIT Procurement or the Board of Public Works).
  • Once the ADPICS reference BPO is created; it should remain unposted until the TORFP award process is ready for award.
  • The initial vendor code on reference BPO’s will default to 1208353780 Cirdan Group.

PART B: Award

  • Upon completion of the IAS TORFP solicitation, agencies will be ready to make an award recommendation. Prior to submitting the ADPICS reference BPO, agencies shall submit via email to the ITPO.DoIT@maryland.gov mailbox all of the required award documentation.
  • Post the reference BPO in ADPICS approval processing to DoIT Procurement for review and final posting.
  • Select the Master Contractor to be awarded the IAS TORFP from the PCHL2349, on the BPO Vendor Selection screen. There are five (5) master contractors on the IAS Master Contract, so use caution when selecting the awarded Master Contractor, then delete all other Master Contractors copied over when the reference BPO was created from the IAS Master Contract BPO.
  • The Master Contractors are:
Purchase Order Screen 
  • Agencies may change the DOC type or use the default. A specific DOC type is not required since the commodity codes are linked to DoIT by commodity approval processing.
  • The reference BPO will automatically be routed via commodity approval processing to DoIT Procurement for review in ADPICS mailbox 060P1, level 800.
  • Agencies can monitor the status of the ADPICS document through ADPICS via the active document screen (PCHL 9220) or archive screen (PCHL 9230). In most cases, you will receive an email from DoIT indicating the updated document status.
  • After a reference BPO is authorized by DoIT Procurement and posted, the agency will need to create a purchase order (PO) release from the posted reference BPO. The PO will also need DoIT Procurement approval. No additional documentation will be required for the PO approval. After DoIT approves the PO; the agency should sign & send it to the Master Contractor awarded the IAS TORFP.
  • Agencies should follow-up with the Master Contractor directly concerning the status of the initial purchase as well as subsequent invoice or service concerns.