Microsoft Select (MS) Plus and Enterprise Software Licenses: ADPICS Processing Procedures

The following outlines the procedures for Microsoft SelectPlus and Microsoft Enterprise software and services available through the SHI International Corp. contract. All Executive Branch agencies are required to create releases in State ADPICS against blanket purchase order (BPO) #060B2490024. The procedures are effective 11/1/12. Any questions should be directed to


ADPICS screen capture 1  

  • DoIT adopted two ADPICS documents for the Purchasing document numbering structure.
  • Agencies should create a direct purchase order release as the document number if the software requested is to be paid in the current fiscal year.
  • Agencies should create a reference BPO purchase release if software assurance is being paid over multiple fiscal years.
  • A reference BPO allows for purchase order releases each year the software assurance payment is due.
  • Click here to view the Reference Blanket Purchase Order User Guide.


  • ADPICS Direct PO and BPO security will be required for anyone who is planning on creating those document types in ADPICS. See your Agency FMIS coordinator to verify you have security or to fill out new forms.
  • Validate or setup your agency ADPICS Initiating Department Approval Paths. (Note: This is an agency’s internal approval path and should not include DoIT Procurement or the Board of Public Works).
  • Select the commodity from PCHL2348, BPO detail screen, for the software that matches the request. Delete all others that copied over to the reference BPO from the Master SHI BPO.
    • Select Plus License, software assurance    20558-Select 
    • Enterprise License   20558-ENTPSE

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  • Agencies obtain a SHI quote for the software and services needed.
  • Process the direct PO or reference BPO in ADPICS approval processing to DoIT Procurement for review and final posting. Prior to submitting the ADPICS Direct PO or reference BPO, agencies must submit via email to the SHI quote.
  • Agencies may change the DOC type or use the default. A specific DOC type is not required since the commodity codes are linked to DoIT by commodity approval processing.
  • The direct PO and reference BPO are automatically routed via commodity approval processing to DoIT Procurement for review in ADPICS mailbox 060P1, level 800.
  • Agencies can monitor the status of the ADPICS document through ADPICS via the active document screen (PCHL 9220) or archive screen (PCHL 9230). In most cases, you will receive an email from DoIT indicating the updated document status.
  • If a reference BPO is authorized by DoIT Procurement and posted, the agency will need to create a purchase order (PO) release from the posted reference BPO. The PO will also need DoIT Procurement approval. No additional documentation will be required for the PO approval. After DoIT approves the PO; the agency should sign and send it to SHI.
  • Agencies should follow-up with SHI directly concerning the status of the initial purchase as well as subsequent invoice or service concerns.