The DoIT Industry Partnership is a partnership of State IT procurement professionals and industry experts convening for the purpose of improving State IT procurements. DoIT is incorporating industry input as part of its efforts to improve the State IT procurement process and contract terms and conditions.
- Update Terms and Conditions for a Software as a Service RFP - Q2 2015
- DoIT received feedback from 11 companies on the draft IT SaaS Model Contract
- Discuss implications of statement of negotiations on public acquisition process, legislative impacts
2014 accomplishments include:
- Draft and implement first standard IT contract (complete on 11/21/14)
- Standardize Statewide IT Ts & Cs, Reduce negotiation time by identifying non-negotiable Ts and Cs
- Recommend initial regulatory/statutory amendments (complete on 12/16/14)
Prompt Payment of Subcontractors 21.10.08
- Prompt Pay mandatory for IT and IT Services Contracts
- Retention of Records
- Contractor cooperation with audits required by or initiated by the State
- Publish IT Templates (complete on 9/30/14, revisions posted on 12/16/14)
- Publish DoIT RFP and IFB templates, updated CATS+ TORFP template
- Industry Partnership Work Session- (complete on October 8, 2014)
- In 2014, DoIT received 18 responses to a draft standard IT contract and published the results in the RFP and IFB Templates, respectively.
MBE Feedback to DoIT Survey
At the end of October, DoIT received 164 completed surveys intended to obtain information specifically from MBE firms regarding solicitation terms and conditions. See the
survey and
detailed responses to question 6.
The most common responses to question 6, “Which two terms and conditions of Maryland's standard contract do you believe are the most challenging for your business?” include:
- Bonding requirements
- Insurance requirements
- Require additional MBE participation even if the prime is an MBE
- Constraint regarding substitution of proposed personnel prior to solicitation award
DoIT held an Industry Partnership work session on October 8, 2014 at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis. Seventy-five industry attendees participated in a discussion regarding the draft standard IT contract circulated for industry comment (see link below) and other Terms and Conditions topics.