Maryland Accessible Telecommunications (MAT) provides assistive telecommunications equipment to qualified Maryland residents who find it difficult to use a standard telephone and allows them to both make and receive phone calls using a specialized device. The MAT program, a service of Maryland Relay, offers a wide variety of solutions and tools designed to support day-to-day communications.
Service Level Objective (SLO):
MAT equipment is typically received by the consumer 6-8 weeks after working with an evaluator to determine the most appropriate solution. Services in support of the MAT program will be provided best effort upon identification of any concerns moving forward.
Features and Benefits:
Multiple Calling Options
- Traditional Relay which enables callers who are deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, or have difficulty speaking to communicate by phone using a TTY (text telephone).
- Captioned Telephone which enables individuals who are hard of hearing to have clearer conversations by reading word-for-word captions of what the other person is saying.
- Speech to Speech (STS) and Visually Assisted (STS) are designed for those who can hear clearly, but have difficulty speaking.
- Additional Services, including Deaf/Blind Communication for callers who are Deaf/Blind and Spanish Relay for Spanish-speaking Relay users.
Assistive Equipment
From amplified phones to hands-free phones, there are many equipment options available today that can make it easier for you to keep in touch. The MAT program from Maryland Relay will work with you one-on-one to find an equipment solution that meets your needs. Equipment is provided by the State to qualified applicants.
Eligible: The MAT program is available to any Maryland resident who:
- is 3 years of age or older;
- receives state or federal financial assistance (Social Security, SSI, SSDI,etc.) or has limited income; and
- is unable to effectively use the telephone due to hearing or speaking difficulties, or due to low vision, limited mobility or cognitive factors
Availability (Uptime): N/A
Standard Support Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30am – 5:00pm
Exceptions: All State Holidays
Response (to incident) Time: Best Effort
Resolution (of incident) Time: Best Effort