Local Telecom Services 2014 - POTS, Lines, and Trunks Ordering Instructions - Updated July 2019

BPO: 060B9400142​

There are two Commodity Codes available: 

  1. ​99789-LOCAL ​ ​​        (For Dial Tone Lines and Centrex Lines) 
  2. 99789-TRUNKS       (For Dial Tone Trunks and PRIs) 

Agency Ordering Procedures:

To obtain guidance as needed, please contact the DoIT Service Desk at 410-697-9700 and open a service ticket. To place an order, you need to decide if you would like to create a new account or add services to an existing account. This decision shall be made for both local and long distance accounts. There are two steps to submitting your request:

  1. Complete a TSR, this will create a ServiceNow ticket for your request and
  2. Submit Purchase Order (Go to the BPO # 060B9400142 and create a direct P.O. release)

DoIT will only be approving Purchase Orders. DoIT will NOT approve requisitions. The Purchase Order shall contain all the details required to issue the order and complete the request. You should provide the following information:

  1. To add/remove phone lines to/from existing accounts, include the account number from both local and long distance accounts::
    1. Verizon for local services
    2. Verizon Business (VzB) for long distance and local toll services
  2. To create a new Verizon local account, include the new billing information as indicated below:

    SOMD Agency Acronymn Identifier
    Billing Address
    City, State and Zip Code

    SOMD DoIT Balt Complex
    100 Community Pl.
    Crownsville, MD 21032

    1. To create a new VzB long distance account, include the new billing information as indicated below:

    MDLD Agency Acronym Identifier
    Billing Address
    City, State and Zip Code

    MDLD DoIT Headquarters 1
    100 Community Pl.
    Crownsville, MD 21032

  3. Description of service requested:
    1. Description should include type of service requested (phone line, trunk line, PRI etc.)
    2. To what the new service is being connected (PBX, elevator, alarm, etc).
    3. The quantities for each type of service and any required technical information and required documents.
  4. When requesting new services:
    1. Include PIC for Long Distance Services – 0222 for VzB
        1. For lines that are to be restricted from making LD calls, you may choose to set the PIC to NONE (this might be used for alarms lines, elevator phones, traffic lights, etc.)
    2. Include LPIC for Local Toll - 0222 for VzB.
        1. (This is a NEW preferred carrier for local toll calls effective Dec 2017)
  5. Local site contact information for the installation:
    1. Name
    2. Email address
    3. Telephone (cell phone number is preferred)
  6. Once DoIT approves the P.O., DoIT will send all P.O.’s to Verizon and VzB and track each order until completion. The requestor’s email address will be added to the Verizon Orders.
  7. If the P.O. is rejected by DoIT, the document will be returned to the agency initiator for revision and DoIT will include a note in the note pad why document was rejected. The agency should correct and re-submit the Direct Purchase Order.
  8. Upon delivery of services, the agency should test and inspect results and work with the vendor directly to address any issues as needed.
  9. Escalate order fulfillment issues to the DoIT Telecom Office as needed via the DoIT Services Desk at 410-697-9700.

For Point to Point Data Circuits - Use BPO F50B4400028