Toll Free Services Ordering Procedures

Service Type – Toll Free

BPO:  060B1400046 (formerly 060B9800046)

Commodity Code:  99789-TOLFRE
     Description:  Toll Free Services Statewide BPO

  • Provides toll free services including inbound, outbound and two-way capabilities and includes four (4) toll free platform based services;
  • Additional Calling Features are available (announcements; providing high volume connections);
  • Periodic refreshment of Verizon’s catalogue for services.

Agency Ordering Procedures:

  1. Obtain guidance as needed from the DoIT Telecom Office at 410-260-7778;
  2. DoIT will only be approving Purchase Orders or Direct Purchase Orders. DoIT will NOT approve Requisitions;
  3. Although the preferred method for the TSR process would be for the Agencies to create a Direct Purchase Order, they have the choice of either creating a Direct Purchase Order or a Requisition/Purchase Order;
    • If creating a Direct Purchase Order, once the document has advanced through the agency’s approval path, it will then proceed to the DoIT mailbox via the commodity approval path for final approval and posting;
    • If creating a Requisition, the document will advance through the agency’s approval path and be final posted by originating agency. A Purchase Order will be created by originating Agency from requisition and submitted into the Agency’s approval path. Once the document has advanced through the agency’s approval path, it will then proceed to the DoIT mailbox via the commodity approval path for final approval and posting.
  4. If rejected by DoIT, the document will be returned to the agency initiator for revision and DoIT will make note in the Note Pad why document was rejected. The agency would correct and re-submit the Purchase Order or Direct Purchase Order;
  5. Once DoIT approves, agency will print PO and send to:
    Fax: Verizon Services: 877-405-1475 or Email: and
  6. Upon delivery of services, test and inspect results and work with vendor directly to address any issues as needed;
  7. Escalate order fulfillment issues to the DoIT Telecom Office as needed via the DoIT Service Desk, 410-260-7778.