Independent Modernize Maryland Commission

Welcome to the Independent Modernize Maryland Commission (MMC) formerly known as the Independent Modernize Maryland Oversight Commission (MMOC) website!

Pursuant to the requirements of the amended Md. Code, State Finance & Procurement Article § 3.5-316​​ The Modernize Maryland Oversight Commission (MMOC) is renamed to Independent Modernize Maryland Commission (MMC) and its purpose and existing duties are repealed; instead, the purpose of MMC is to ensure best practices related to the modernization and the replacement of legacy systems. To that end, MMC must: 

  1. identify best practices for information technology modernization and the replacement of legacy systems;

  2. provide recommendations for modernization of information technology systems to the governor, the secretary, and the general assembly;

  3. provide recommendations to promote transparency in modernization efforts in units of state government; and

  4. each year, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the state government article, report its findings and recommendations to the governor, the secretary, the senate budget and taxation committee, the senate committee on education, energy, and the environment, the house appropriations committee, the house health and government operations committee, and the joint committee on cybersecurity, information technology, and biotechnology.​

The Commission is composed of dedicated members with expertise in technology, governance, and stakeholder engagement, working together to ensure the successful execution of the revised Md. Code, State Finance & Procurement Article § 3.5-316. Through collaboration with state agencies, stakeholders, and the public, we aim to create a more transparent, accountable, and user-centered government.​

By leveraging the latest technologies and best practices, we strive to deliver better outcomes for all Maryland residents. Stay tuned for updates on our progress, initiatives, and accomplishments as we continue to drive positive change and modernization in the state of Maryland.


  • August, 2024

    Previous Meetings​

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