Stay Connected with Maryland Relay Calling Options
If you, or a loved one, have difficulty using a standard telephone, Maryland Relay makes it easy to place and receive calls. Maryland Relay services are available for free. You are responsible for paying your monthly telephone bill to your chosen service provider. Long distance rates may apply according to your telephone service.
RCC (Remote Conference Captioning) | Maryland Relay - RCC allows people who have difficulty hearing over the phone during conference calls to read text of what all participants are saying.
RTT (Real-Time Text) | Maryland Relay - Real-Time Text is transmitted instantly as it is typed—eliminating the need to hit “send” and allowing for faster, more accessible communication for all.
Traditional Relay (TTY) for those who are Deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened or have difficulty speaking
Hearing Carry-Over and Speech-to-Speech for those who have difficulty speaking
Voice Carry-Over for Relay users who prefer to use their own voice in phone conversations
Captioned Telephone, which lets hard-of-hearing users read every word callers say, as they listen
Braille TTY for DeafBlind callers
Spanish Relay for Spanish-speaking callers who have difficulty using a standard telephone
Customized Relay options, including Customer Profiles which users can set up to expedite calls and store their calling preferences
Alternative Relay services, including Video Relay Service (VRS) for American Sign Language users, as well as IP Relay and IP Captioned Telephone Service for callers wishing to connect on their smartphone, computer, or other Internet-connected device (these services are not provided by Maryland Relay)

How Does a Relay Call Work?
- The Relay user places a call through Maryland Relay, typically through the use of an assistive communication device.
- A Maryland Relay Operator greets the Relay user, provides his/her Operator identification (ID) number*, and requests the number of the person the Relay user wishes to call.
- Once the two callers are connected, the Maryland Relay Operator speaks and/or types what is said between the Relay user and the other person.
- The other person speaks as he/she normally would. By law, the entire conversation is kept confidential.
*Relay users should retain their Operator’s ID number should they wish to provide feedback to Maryland Relay about their service experience. If necessary, Relay users may also use the Operator’s ID number to file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission.
Captioned Telephone Service may use a live operator. The operator generates captions of what
the other party to the call says. These captions are then sent to your phone. There is a cost for
each minute of captions generated, paid from a federally administered fund.