
Aerial imagery is essential for giving 9-1-1 dispatchers the proper context in the event of an emergency call. Thanks to a dedicated funding stream from Maryland’s Emergency Number Systems Board and support from local governments, publicly accessible aerial imagery for the entire state is available and updated on a three year cycle.

Service Level Objective (SLO):

Imagery has a 99.9% uptime service level objective; excluding planned outages, maintenance windows and unavoidable events.

Features and Benefits:

Maryland’s digital high-resolution aerial photography program collects imagery for the entire State of Maryland. The program is managed by the Geographic Information Office with assistance from the Maryland Department of Planning on behalf of the Maryland Emergency Number Systems Board and local public-safety answering points. Additional funding and support is provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).​​

Features include:

NEW - Download Raw imagery for the entire state of Maryland is now available for download using the Maryland Statewide Imagery Download Tool. Learn more about available imagery collections, download formats and output projection options Buy-Up Options Organizations have the ability to use the available contract vehicle to purchase additional products. Products include upgraded orthophotography, LiDAR, oblique imagery, planimetric data and land use/land cover updating data. Examples There are also other imagery products publicly available, most notably ​​​​​the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP). These products are collected for different applications and it is useful to compare and contrast the two​​​​​.

Eligible: All Public

Availability (Uptime): 24 hours / 365 days

Standard Support Hours: 7am – 9pm Monday- Friday

Exceptions: The Service Desk is not available during State Holidays or Service Reduction Days

Response (to incident) Time: Based on priority, see SLA

Resolution (of incident) Time: Based on priority, see SLA

Maintenance Windows: Maintenance occurs on the 3rd Tuesday and Wednesday of every month from 7 p.m. -11 p.m.

Security: Open Access, No Password required

Business Critical Service: Yes; Recovery Time – 4 hours

Request the Service:

To request this service, please email DoIT Service Desk at

Related Documentation:

Contact the Service Desk:

Our Service Desk is here to help:
Phone: 410-697-9700