Meeting Live Streaming and Hosting Services – Town Hall Streams

​Contract Pricing​

Pricing is available for the following items and services.  Purchasing Agencies should identify in its statement of work which items/services are desired when requesting a quote from THS.

Line Item Units Quantity
Live Streaming 1 month 12​ ​ ​
​On Demand Playback​ ​1 month 12​​ ​ ​
​Close Captions ​1 hour 48​​ ​ ​
​Indexing Offsite (3rd Party) ​1 hour 48​​ ​ ​
​Support ​1 month ​​12 ​ ​
​Storage for on Demand Playback ​1 month 12​​ ​ ​
​Document Storage ​1 month 12​ ​ ​
​Indexing by Agency ​1 month 12​​ ​ ​
Please contact Scharrence Richardson,​, for contract pricing information.​