Contract Management Oversight Methodology: CATS+ Master Contract
This page describes the contract management oversight methodology for the Consulting and Technical Services+ (CATS+) Master Contract.
Scope: The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) will conduct oversight of CATS+ task orders (TO) for operations and maintenance services with a value of $1 million or greater, and TOs valued at less than $1 million that are time and materials based. This process does not apply to TOs supporting Major Information Technology Development Projects that receive oversight by the DoIT Project Management Office.
- TO Checklists – This process applies to TOs for operations and maintenance services with a value of $1 million or greater, and TOs valued at less than $1 million that are time and materials based.
Agency Self-Reporting Checklist – A questionnaire completed by the TO Manager and submitted electronically to DoIT at regular intervals to demonstrate the agency’s adherence to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract on specified TOs.
DoIT will send the first checklist to the TO Manager approximately six months after the award date for the TO. The TO Manager must complete and return the checklist by the due date indicated. DoIT will request an updated checklist from the TO Manager approximately every six months thereafter.
If the information submitted on the checklist demonstrates that the agency is not adhering to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract, or if information is missing, DoIT may work with the agency to obtain follow-up information, or schedule an on-site assessment (See 2C below).
Master Contractor Self-Reporting Checklist – A questionnaire that DoIT may ask CATS+ Master Contractors to submit electronically to DoIT at regular intervals to demonstrate the Master Contractor’s adherence to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract on specified TOs.
DoIT will send the first checklist to the Master Contractor approximately three months after the award date for the TO. The Master Contractor will be asked complete and return the checklist to DoIT by the due date indicated. Subsequently, at six month intervals, the Master Contractor will be required to update and resubmit the checklist to DoIT.
If the information submitted on the checklist demonstrates that the Master Contractor is not adhering to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract, or if information is missing, DoIT will require the Master Contractor to take corrective action.
- TO On-Site Assessments – This process applies to TOs for operations and maintenance services with a value of $1 million or greater.
TO Request for Proposals (TORFP) Assessment – An onsite verification of an agency’s adherence to the requirements for soliciting, evaluating, and awarding a TO according to CATS+ TORFP procedures. The TORFP Assessment will allow DoIT to review if the agency, as the agency of record, followed the appropriate process and retained the appropriate documentation. The TORFP Assessment occurs only once, during the first TO Management Assessment (See B below). DoIT will contact the TO Manager to schedule the TORFP Assessment with at least two weeks notice.
If the Assessment demonstrates that the agency did not adhere to the requirements of the CATS+ TORFP procedures, or if information is missing, DoIT will advise the agency of the deficiencies for corrective action prior to the agency’s next TORFP release.
TO Management Assessment – An onsite verification of the agency’s adherence to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract for managing a TO after it is awarded. DoIT will conduct a TO Management Assessment within one year of the award date for the TO, and may conduct assessments on an ad hoc basis as described below. DoIT will contact the TO Manager to schedule the TO Management Assessment with at least two weeks notice.
If the Assessment demonstrates that the agency is not adhering to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract, DoIT will work with the agency to develop a corrective action plan.
Ad Hoc TO Management Assessments - DoIT may perform ad hoc TO Management Assessments on a CATS+ TO based on poor reporting in either an Agency Self-Reporting Checklist or a prior TO Management Assessment. Ad hoc assessments may be triggered by the following criteria: - If the agency does not comply with Checklist or Assessment requests in a timely manner
- If DoIT cannot validate information provided in a Checklist or Assessment
- If Checklists or Assessments are incomplete
- If Checklists or Assessments demonstrate that the agency is not adhering to the requirements of the CATS+ Contract
- If the agency does not comply significantly with corrective action plans